PAEE/ALE’2018 combines the 10th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2018) and the 15th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE’2018). The PAEE symposium is organised by the PAEE association and the Department of Production and Systems of the University of Minho, Portugal, since 2009, and aims to join teachers, researchers and professionals concerned with Engineering Education. The ALE workshop is organised by ALE, an international network of engineering educators, initiated in 2000, and dedicated to improving engineering education through active learning.

The theme of this year’s conference is Advances in Engineering Education by Inclusion and Diversity, which is an excellent opportunity to discuss research and current practice under this challenging theme.

PAEE and ALE have been organized in different parts of the world, to enhance Active Learning, Problem and Project-Based Learning in Engineering Education through active involvement of participants in hands-on sessions, workshops, debates, industry panels, poster and paper sessions, and student project awards.

This edition is organized by the University of Brasília, Brasilia, Brazil from February 28 to March 2nd, 2018.

For more information about the conference: