Types of Contributions
(PAEE/ALE’ 2020 Call for Paper: A4 CFP for PAEE_ALE2020, Detailed about the conference: PAEEALE2020 Call for Papers and Workshop Sessions-min )
1. Papers
We welcome both full papers and abstracts only. The accepted submissions will appear in a conference booklet, and the authors will be invited for oral presentations. However, only the accepted full papers will be included in conference proceedings that will appear in the SCOPUS database.
- Platform for Abstract Submission: Interested authors are invited to submit 300-word abstracts before the deadlines by using the web submission platform: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paeeale2020.
- Guidelines for Abstract Submission: PAEEALE 2020 Easychair new abstract submission form.pdf
- Template for Full Paper Submission: PAEE_ALE_2020_TEMPLATE_PAPER.docx
- Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline for full papers: May 15, 2020
- Full paper submission deadline: June 15, 2020
- Abstract only submission deadline: June 15, 2020
2. Workshop and Hand-On Sessions
Potential contributors are invited to submit a proposal for either a workshop or a hands-on session. Please complete the form and submit via email to pisut@ait.asia.
- Template for Workshop and Hand-on Sessions Submission: PAEE_ALE_2020_TEMPLATE_WORKSHOP.docx
- Important Dates
- Proposal submission deadline: June 15, 2020
3. Opportunity for Students
Students who develop project work in their study are invited to submit papers on their learning experiences in project work. Student papers will be candidates for the best Student Paper Award.
- Template for Student Paper Submission: PAEE_ALE_2020_TEMPLATE_PAPER.docx
- Guideline for Student Paper Award: GuidelineStudentPaperAward
- Platform for Abstract Submission: Interested authors are invited to submit 300-word abstracts before the deadlines by using the web submission platform: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paeeale2020.
- Guidelines for Abstract Submission: PAEEALE 2020 Easychair new abstract submission form.pdf
- Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline for full papers: May 15, 2020
- Full paper submission deadline: June 15, 2020